Friday, May 9, 2008

Unscene party... open bar

The reason I am sitting at home on a friday night blogging, is because I had waaaay too much fun on Thursday night! Last night we headed to Pearl Hotel (see dinner with friends) Point Loma, for a party that, to be honest I have no idea who or what it was really for... all I know is it was called Unscene and it turned out that the vodka and beer was free. At that point in time I quickly decided I would not be driving anywhere again that evening. 
A quick hello from me from one of the hotel rooms open for view (and a short line for the bathroom!) I'm always thinking of you all wherever you are in the world! Hellllooooo!

Rachel with her dirty martini... FRRREEEEEEE! 

Trusty Shannon, always making me look good! 

Me.... waiting in anticipation for the evenings surprise entertainment... 

Synchronized swimmers!!! What the?

The party ended at Pearl, which took Bobby, Kathy and I back to Coronado island for just a few more beers... it was just to early to go to bed.

Kathy... showing us how it's done on the streets of Coronado 

McP's where the locals go... 

1 comment:

p said...

even though you're old, you're still looking good. keep up the good work.