Thursday, October 30, 2008

Live gig... small venue = happy happy Yvette

The Tuesday night just gone, myself and some "bff's" headed to rock the Casbah at a small live gig with Greg Laswell. Thankfully the support act ROCKED it... "Get Back Loretta" and Greg who is a San Diego local played on until well past midnight, there would have been maybe 200 people there! I love it when that happens, it's like a performance in your lounge room sorrounded by people of like mind! Here are some pics. 

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just because we can...

My new room mate Erica recently inspired me to get outside myself a little and do something small to change the world, so we both decided to make a goal to raise at least $5,000 in the next year or so towards campaigns like A21. So Tuesday night we took advantage of "tight ass tuesday" and went to see the movie Call and Response. Erica and I invited everyone we knew in San Diego to come along and, instead of just paying the cheap ticket price we asked everyone to give us at least $10, and we would donate the gap to charity!

I was hoping to see around $300 raised but low and behold all the incredible people that came out to join us rallied together to raise almost $1,000.00. I was AMAZED and it was the simplest thing I've ever done in my life! So look out... there will be more of these things to come! Keep an eye out for my posts on training for a half marathon in January, a group of us will be raising money for Global Support, who create initiatives that counteract things like the slave trade and bring people out of poverty!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Changing the world.... well I'm not, but these guys are!

Aside from the fact that these two are republicans, they actually turned out to be two paticularly amazing people! This week I had the pressure (I mean pleasure!) of hanging out with David and Travis who have sincerely decided to give changing the world a go (check out their blog! Creatively changing the world). A few days with these guys and you want to buy a lot less shoes, and start helping people! (I can't decide if I hate them or love them for that! I do love shoes!) Anyway David and Travis stumbled across San Diego through some rather strange circumstances and connections, but, we were happy to have them! Check their stuff out, buy some coffee... get your sister some jewelry or just give them some money they'll do more with it than you or I would! 

Keep an eye out for more of David and Travis, I'm heading to Nashville in February 09 to their fundraising dinner with some friends! No shoe shopping, but LOTS of fun!!!! 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A day in San Diego with Mike McFarland...

My new friend Mike was shocked to hear that I had never ventured to the "world famous" San Diego zoo... he offered to take me and sucessfully snuck me in! It was like being 15 and sneaking into the Jet Club all over again (Without the waiting in the bathrooms for hours on end)!! Anyway, I'm not sure why it's so world famous and I can't say I would recommend anyone pay money to go to the zoo, Mike was far more entertaining than anything else there! Then we headed off to Balboa Park for some fun at the Museum of photgraphic art and some San Diego sights... GORGEOUS DAY!! Thanks Mike!!!

Balboa Park... gorgeous. 
Our friend squirrel... too cute, you don't get these in Oz. 
Mike still smiling before we thought the car was stolen and then... 
realized it had just been towed... O well, still a great day! 

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Always a bridesmaid

David & Briana's wedding, was stunning! I am becoming a professional bridesmaid and like each and every other time, this wedding was such an honor to be a part of. Dave and Briana are two of the greatest people in the world and to be a part of one of the greatest days of their life was amazing! And FUN!!! 

Hawaii... 2

More of the kids at Hawaii...