Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just because we can...

My new room mate Erica recently inspired me to get outside myself a little and do something small to change the world, so we both decided to make a goal to raise at least $5,000 in the next year or so towards campaigns like A21. So Tuesday night we took advantage of "tight ass tuesday" and went to see the movie Call and Response. Erica and I invited everyone we knew in San Diego to come along and, instead of just paying the cheap ticket price we asked everyone to give us at least $10, and we would donate the gap to charity!

I was hoping to see around $300 raised but low and behold all the incredible people that came out to join us rallied together to raise almost $1,000.00. I was AMAZED and it was the simplest thing I've ever done in my life! So look out... there will be more of these things to come! Keep an eye out for my posts on training for a half marathon in January, a group of us will be raising money for Global Support, who create initiatives that counteract things like the slave trade and bring people out of poverty!

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